

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
append a b
Signature: a:ByteString -> b:ByteString -> ByteString

append uses Buffer.BlockCopy for efficient array operations. Please note that a new array is created and both arrays are copied in, disregarding any additional bytes in the original, underlying arrays.

cons hd bs
Signature: hd:byte -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString

cons uses Buffer.SetByte and Buffer.BlockCopy for efficient array operations. Please note that a new array is created and both the head and tail are copied in, disregarding any additional bytes in the original tail array.

create arr
Signature: arr:byte [] -> ByteString
Signature: ByteString
findIndex pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> int
fold f seed bs
Signature: f:('?24028 -> byte -> '?24028) -> seed:'?24028 -> bs:ByteString -> '?24028
Type parameters: '?24028
head bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> byte
index bs pos
Signature: bs:ByteString -> pos:int -> byte
isEmpty bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> bool
length bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> int
ofArraySegment segment
Signature: segment:ArraySegment<byte> -> ByteString
ofList l
Signature: l:byte list -> ByteString
ofSeq s
Signature: s:seq<byte> -> ByteString
ofString s
Signature: s:string -> ByteString
singleton c
Signature: c:byte -> ByteString
skip n bs
Signature: n:int -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString
skipUntil pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString
skipWhile pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString
span pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString * ByteString
split pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString * ByteString
splitAt n bs
Signature: n:int -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString * ByteString
tail bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> ByteString
take n bs
Signature: n:int -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString
takeUntil pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString
takeWhile pred bs
Signature: pred:(byte -> bool) -> bs:ByteString -> ByteString
toArray bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> byte []
toList bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> byte list
toSeq bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> seq<byte>
toString bs
Signature: bs:ByteString -> string

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |BS| ) x
Signature: x:ByteString -> byte [] * int * int

An active pattern for conveniently retrieving the properties of a ByteString.

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