

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Extensions for F#'s List module.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
cons hd tl
Signature: hd:'a -> tl:'a list -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a

Curried cons

fill total elem list
Signature: total:int -> elem:'a -> list:'a list -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a
lift2 f l1 l2
Signature: f:('?23339 -> '?23340 -> '?23341) -> l1:'?23339 list -> l2:'?23340 list -> '?23341 list
Type parameters: '?23339, '?23340, '?23341
mapAccum f s l
Signature: f:('?23363 -> '?23364 -> '?23363 * '?23365) -> s:'?23363 -> l:'?23364 list -> '?23363 * '?23365 list
Type parameters: '?23363, '?23364, '?23365

Behaves like a combination of map and fold; it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new list.

mapIf pred f
Signature: pred:('?23361 -> bool) -> f:('?23361 -> '?23361) -> '?23361 list -> '?23361 list
Type parameters: '?23361
merge a b
Signature: a:'?23372 list -> b:'?23372 list -> '?23372 list
Type parameters: '?23372

Merges two sequences by the default comparer for 'T

mergeBy f a b
Signature: f:('?23369 -> '?23370) -> a:'?23369 list -> b:'?23369 list -> '?23369 list
Type parameters: '?23369, '?23370

Merges to sequences using the given function to transform the elements for comparision

pad amt elem list
Signature: amt:int -> elem:'a -> list:'a list -> 'a list
Type parameters: 'a
singleton x
Signature: x:'?23337 -> '?23337 list
Type parameters: '?23337
skip n l
Signature: n:int -> l:'?23357 list -> '?23357 list
Type parameters: '?23357
skipUntil pred l
Signature: pred:('?23349 -> bool) -> l:'?23349 list -> '?23349 list
Type parameters: '?23349
skipWhile pred l
Signature: pred:('?23347 -> bool) -> l:'?23347 list -> '?23347 list
Type parameters: '?23347
span pred l
Signature: pred:('?23343 -> bool) -> l:'?23343 list -> '?23343 list * '?23343 list
Type parameters: '?23343
split pred l
Signature: pred:('?23345 -> bool) -> l:'?23345 list -> '?23345 list * '?23345 list
Type parameters: '?23345
splitAt n l
Signature: n:int -> l:'?23355 list -> '?23355 list * '?23355 list
Type parameters: '?23355
take n l
Signature: n:int -> l:'?23359 list -> '?23359 list
Type parameters: '?23359
takeUntil pred l
Signature: pred:('?23353 -> bool) -> l:'?23353 list -> '?23353 list
Type parameters: '?23353
takeWhile pred l
Signature: pred:('?23351 -> bool) -> l:'?23351 list -> '?23351 list
Type parameters: '?23351
transpose lst
Signature: lst:'?23367 list list -> '?23367 list list
Type parameters: '?23367
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