

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( *> ) x y
Signature: x:Async<'?21865> -> y:Async<'?21866> -> Async<'?21866>
Type parameters: '?21865, '?21866

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.

( <!> ) f m
Signature: f:('?21862 -> '?21863) -> m:Async<'?21862> -> Async<'?21863>
Type parameters: '?21862, '?21863

Infix map

( <* ) x y
Signature: x:Async<'?21868> -> y:Async<'?21869> -> Async<'?21868>
Type parameters: '?21868, '?21869

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.

( <*> ) f m
Signature: f:Async<('?21837 -> '?21838)> -> m:Async<'?21837> -> Async<'?21838>
Type parameters: '?21837, '?21838

Sequential application

( <=< ) x
Signature: x:('?21878 -> Async<'?21879>) -> ('?21880 -> Async<'?21878>) -> '?21880 -> Async<'?21879>
Type parameters: '?21878, '?21879, '?21880

Right-to-left Kleisli composition

( =<< ) f m
Signature: f:('?21834 -> Async<'?21835>) -> m:Async<'?21834> -> Async<'?21835>
Type parameters: '?21834, '?21835

Flipped >>=

( >=> ) f g x
Signature: f:('?21874 -> Async<'?21875>) -> g:('?21875 -> Async<'?21876>) -> x:'?21874 -> Async<'?21876>
Type parameters: '?21874, '?21875, '?21876

Left-to-right Kleisli composition

( >>. ) m f
Signature: m:Async<'?21871> -> f:Async<'?21872> -> Async<'?21872>
Type parameters: '?21871, '?21872

Sequentially compose two async actions, discarding any value produced by the first

( >>= ) m f
Signature: m:Async<'?21831> -> f:('?21831 -> Async<'?21832>) -> Async<'?21832>
Type parameters: '?21831, '?21832

Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second.

ap m f
Signature: m:Async<'?21840> -> f:Async<('?21840 -> '?21841)> -> Async<'?21841>
Type parameters: '?21840, '?21841

Sequential application

bind f m
Signature: f:('?21826 -> Async<'?21827>) -> m:Async<'?21826> -> Async<'?21827>
Type parameters: '?21826, '?21827

Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the second as an argument to the first.

foldM f s
Signature: f:('?21882 -> '?21883 -> Async<'?21882>) -> s:'?21882 -> seq<'?21883> -> Async<'?21882>
Type parameters: '?21882, '?21883
lift2 f x y
Signature: f:('?21858 -> '?21859 -> '?21860) -> x:Async<'?21858> -> y:Async<'?21859> -> Async<'?21860>
Type parameters: '?21858, '?21859, '?21860

Promote a function to a monad/applicative, scanning the monadic/applicative arguments from left to right.

map f m
Signature: f:('?21855 -> '?21856) -> m:Async<'?21855> -> Async<'?21856>
Type parameters: '?21855, '?21856

Transforms an async value by using a specified mapping function.

mapM f x
Signature: f:('?21887 -> Async<'?21888>) -> x:'?21887 list -> Async<'?21888 list>
Type parameters: '?21887, '?21888
pipe m f
Signature: m:Async<'?21843> -> f:('?21843 -> '?21844) -> Async<'?21844>
Type parameters: '?21843, '?21844

Flipped map

pipe2 x y f
Signature: x:Async<'?21846> -> y:Async<'?21847> -> f:('?21846 -> '?21847 -> '?21848) -> Async<'?21848>
Type parameters: '?21846, '?21847, '?21848
pipe3 x y z f
Signature: x:Async<'?21850> -> y:Async<'?21851> -> z:Async<'?21852> -> f:('?21850 -> '?21851 -> '?21852 -> '?21853) -> Async<'?21853>
Type parameters: '?21850, '?21851, '?21852, '?21853
returnM x
Signature: x:'?21829 -> Async<'?21829>
Type parameters: '?21829

Inject a value into the async type

sequence s
Signature: s:Async<'?21885> list -> Async<'?21885 list>
Type parameters: '?21885
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