

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( *> ) x y
Signature: x:Cont<'?21647,'?21648> -> y:Cont<'?21649,'?21648> -> Cont<'?21649,'?21648>
Type parameters: '?21647, '?21648, '?21649

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.

( <!> ) f m
Signature: f:('?21638 -> '?21639) -> m:Cont<'?21638,'?21640> -> Cont<'?21639,'?21640>
Type parameters: '?21638, '?21639, '?21640

Infix map

( <* ) x y
Signature: x:Cont<'?21651,'?21652> -> y:Cont<'?21653,'?21652> -> Cont<'?21651,'?21652>
Type parameters: '?21651, '?21652, '?21653

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.

( <*> ) f m
Signature: f:Cont<('?21626 -> '?21627),'?21628> -> m:Cont<'?21626,'?21628> -> Cont<'?21627,'?21628>
Type parameters: '?21626, '?21627, '?21628

Sequential application

( <=< ) x
Signature: x:('?21664 -> Cont<'?21665,'?21666>) -> ('?21667 -> Cont<'?21664,'?21666>) -> '?21667 -> Cont<'?21665,'?21666>
Type parameters: '?21664, '?21665, '?21666, '?21667

Right-to-left Kleisli composition

( =<< ) f m
Signature: f:('?21622 -> Cont<'?21623,'?21624>) -> m:Cont<'?21622,'?21624> -> Cont<'?21623,'?21624>
Type parameters: '?21622, '?21623, '?21624

Flipped >>=

( >=> ) f g x
Signature: f:('?21659 -> Cont<'?21660,'?21661>) -> g:('?21660 -> Cont<'?21662,'?21661>) -> x:'?21659 -> Cont<'?21662,'?21661>
Type parameters: '?21659, '?21660, '?21661, '?21662

Left-to-right Kleisli composition

( >>. ) m f
Signature: m:Cont<'?21655,'?21656> -> f:Cont<'?21657,'?21656> -> Cont<'?21657,'?21656>
Type parameters: '?21655, '?21656, '?21657

Sequentially compose two continuation actions, discarding any value produced by the first

( >>= ) m f
Signature: m:Cont<'?21618,'?21619> -> f:('?21618 -> Cont<'?21620,'?21619>) -> Cont<'?21620,'?21619>
Type parameters: '?21618, '?21619, '?21620

Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second.

ap m f
Signature: m:Cont<'?21630,'?21631> -> f:Cont<('?21630 -> '?21632),'?21631> -> Cont<'?21632,'?21631>
Type parameters: '?21630, '?21631, '?21632

Sequential application

bind f comp1 cont econt
Signature: f:('?21573 -> Cont<'?21574,'?21575>) -> comp1:Cont<'?21573,'?21575> -> cont:('?21574 -> '?21575) -> econt:(exn -> '?21575) -> '?21575
Type parameters: '?21573, '?21574, '?21575
callcc f cont econt
Signature: f:(('T -> Cont<'b,'r>) -> Cont<'T,'r>) -> cont:('T -> 'r) -> econt:(exn -> 'r) -> 'r
Type parameters: 'T, 'b, 'r
Signature: ContinuationBuilder
foldM f s
Signature: f:('?21669 -> '?21670 -> Cont<'?21669,'?21671>) -> s:'?21669 -> seq<'?21670> -> Cont<'?21669,'?21671>
Type parameters: '?21669, '?21670, '?21671
lift2 f a b
Signature: f:('?21642 -> '?21643 -> '?21644) -> a:Cont<'?21642,'?21645> -> b:Cont<'?21643,'?21645> -> Cont<'?21644,'?21645>
Type parameters: '?21642, '?21643, '?21644, '?21645

Promote a function to a monad/applicative, scanning the monadic/applicative arguments from left to right.

map f m
Signature: f:('?21634 -> '?21635) -> m:Cont<'?21634,'?21636> -> Cont<'?21635,'?21636>
Type parameters: '?21634, '?21635, '?21636

Transforms a Cont value by using a specified mapping function.

mapM f x
Signature: f:('?21676 -> Cont<'?21677,'?21678>) -> x:'?21676 list -> Cont<'?21677 list,'?21678>
Type parameters: '?21676, '?21677, '?21678
returnM x
Signature: x:'?21615 -> Cont<'?21615,'?21616>
Type parameters: '?21615, '?21616

Inject a value into the Cont type

runCont c cont econt
Signature: c:Cont<'?21563,'?21564> -> cont:('?21563 -> '?21564) -> econt:(exn -> '?21564) -> '?21564
Type parameters: '?21563, '?21564
sequence s
Signature: s:Cont<'?21673,'?21674> list -> Cont<'?21673 list,'?21674>
Type parameters: '?21673, '?21674
throw exn cont econt
Signature: exn:exn -> cont:('T -> 'r) -> econt:(exn -> 'r) -> 'r
Type parameters: 'T, 'r
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