

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( *> ) x y
Signature: x:Choice<'?20543,NonEmptyList<'?20544>> -> y:Choice<'?20545,NonEmptyList<'?20544>> -> Choice<'?20545,NonEmptyList<'?20544>>
Type parameters: '?20543, '?20544, '?20545

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.

( <* ) x y
Signature: x:Choice<'?20547,NonEmptyList<'?20548>> -> y:Choice<'?20549,NonEmptyList<'?20548>> -> Choice<'?20547,NonEmptyList<'?20548>>
Type parameters: '?20547, '?20548, '?20549

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.

( <*> ) f x
Signature: f:Choice<('?20534 -> '?20535),NonEmptyList<'?20536>> -> x:Choice<'?20534,NonEmptyList<'?20536>> -> Choice<'?20535,NonEmptyList<'?20536>>
Type parameters: '?20534, '?20535, '?20536

Sequential application

ap x
Signature: x:Choice<'?20530,NonEmptyList<'?20531>> -> Choice<('?20530 -> '?20532),NonEmptyList<'?20531>> -> Choice<'?20532,NonEmptyList<'?20531>>
Type parameters: '?20530, '?20531, '?20532

Sequential application

apa append x f
Signature: append:('?20485 -> '?20485 -> '?20485) -> x:Choice<'?20486,'?20485> -> f:Choice<('?20486 -> '?20487),'?20485> -> Choice<'?20487,'?20485>
Type parameters: '?20485, '?20486, '?20487

Sequential application, parameterized by append

apm m
Signature: m:ISemigroup<'?20489> -> Choice<'?20490,'?20489> -> Choice<('?20490 -> '?20491),'?20489> -> Choice<'?20491,'?20489>
Type parameters: '?20489, '?20490, '?20491

Sequential application, parameterized by semigroup

lift2 f a b
Signature: f:('?20538 -> '?20539 -> '?20540) -> a:Choice<'?20538,NonEmptyList<'?20541>> -> b:Choice<'?20539,NonEmptyList<'?20541>> -> Choice<'?20540,NonEmptyList<'?20541>>
Type parameters: '?20538, '?20539, '?20540, '?20541

Promote a function to a monad/applicative, scanning the monadic/applicative arguments from left to right.

mapM f x
Signature: f:('?20558 -> Choice<'?20559,NonEmptyList<'?20560>>) -> x:'?20558 list -> Choice<'?20559 list,NonEmptyList<'?20560>>
Type parameters: '?20558, '?20559, '?20560
sequence s
Signature: s:Choice<'?20555,NonEmptyList<'?20556>> list -> Choice<'?20555 list,NonEmptyList<'?20556>>
Type parameters: '?20555, '?20556
seqValidator f
Signature: f:('?20551 -> Choice<'?20552,NonEmptyList<'?20553>>) -> seq<'?20551> -> Choice<'?20552 list,NonEmptyList<'?20553>>
Type parameters: '?20551, '?20552, '?20553

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |Success|Failure| ) _arg1
Signature: _arg1:Choice<'?20482,'?20483> -> Choice<'?20482,'?20483>
Type parameters: '?20482, '?20483
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