

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
guard f e
Signature: f:(unit -> unit) -> e:IEvent<'Del,'Args> -> IEvent<'Args>
Type parameters: 'Del, 'Args

Executes f just after adding the event-handler

guardAwait ev
Signature: ev:IEvent<'?20237,'?20238> -> Async<Task<'?20238>>
Type parameters: '?20237, '?20238

Starts awaiting the given event, but makes sure that the event was actually added (within the new Task) before returning.

skipWhile f ev
Signature: f:('?20240 -> bool) -> ev:IEvent<'?20241,'?20240> -> IEvent<'?20240>
Type parameters: '?20240, '?20241
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