

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
build seq
Signature: seq:seq<'?20022> -> seq<'?20022>
Type parameters: '?20022

Builds the lazy sequence and caches its results (like cache but iterates the sequence once)

duplicates items
Signature: items:seq<'?20058> -> seq<'?20058>
Type parameters: '?20058
exactlyOneExn exn seq
Signature: exn:Lazy<'?20052> -> seq:seq<'?20053> -> '?20053
Type parameters: '?20052, '?20053

Tries to get exactly one item from the sequence and throws the given exception if the sequence has more or none items.

exactlyOneOrNoneExn exn seq
Signature: exn:Lazy<'?20055> -> seq:seq<'?20056> -> '?20056 option
Type parameters: '?20055, '?20056

Tries to get exactly one item from the sequence and throws the given exception if the sequence has more items.

findExn exn f seq
Signature: exn:Lazy<'?20027> -> f:('?20028 -> bool) -> seq:seq<'?20028> -> '?20028
Type parameters: '?20027, '?20028

Tries find an item and throws the given exception if nothing was found

headExn exn seq
Signature: exn:Lazy<'?20024> -> seq:seq<'?20025> -> '?20025
Type parameters: '?20024, '?20025

Tries to get the head and throws the given exception if the head is not available

tryExactlyOne source
Signature: source:seq<'?20050> -> '?20050 option
Type parameters: '?20050

Tries to get exactly one item from the sequence and returns None if the sequence has more or none items.

tryExactlyOneOrNone source
Signature: source:seq<'?20048> -> OneNoneMany<'?20048>
Type parameters: '?20048

Checks if the given sequence has exactly one, none or many elements.

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