

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Nested types and modules


Task result


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
( *> ) a b
Signature: a:Task<'?19875> -> b:Task<'?19876> -> Task<'?19876>
Type parameters: '?19875, '?19876

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the first argument.

( <!> ) f x
Signature: f:('?19872 -> '?19873) -> x:Task<'?19872> -> Task<'?19873>
Type parameters: '?19872, '?19873

Infix map

( <* ) a b
Signature: a:Task<'?19878> -> b:Task<'?19879> -> Task<'?19878>
Type parameters: '?19878, '?19879

Sequence actions, discarding the value of the second argument.

( <*> ) f x
Signature: f:Task<('?19869 -> '?19870)> -> x:Task<'?19869> -> Task<'?19870>
Type parameters: '?19869, '?19870

Sequential application

( <=< ) x
Signature: x:('?19857 -> Task<'?19858>) -> ('?19859 -> '?19860) -> '?19859 -> Task<'?19858>
Type parameters: '?19857, '?19858, '?19859, '?19860

Right-to-left Kleisli composition

( =<< ) f m
Signature: f:('?19846 -> Task<'?19847>) -> m:Task<'?19846> -> Task<'?19847>
Type parameters: '?19846, '?19847

Flipped >>=

( >=> ) f g x
Signature: f:('?19852 -> '?19853) -> g:('?19854 -> Task<'?19855>) -> x:'?19852 -> Task<'?19855>
Type parameters: '?19852, '?19853, '?19854, '?19855

Left-to-right Kleisli composition

( >>. ) m1 m2
Signature: m1:Task<'?19849> -> m2:Task<'?19850> -> Task<'?19850>
Type parameters: '?19849, '?19850

Sequentially compose two either actions, discarding any value produced by the first

( >>= ) m f
Signature: m:Task<'?19843> -> f:('?19843 -> Task<'?19844>) -> Task<'?19844>
Type parameters: '?19843, '?19844

Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced by the first as an argument to the second.

ap x f
Signature: x:Task<'?19866> -> f:Task<('?19866 -> '?19867)> -> Task<'?19867>
Type parameters: '?19866, '?19867

Sequential application

await t
Signature: t:Task<'a> -> Async<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
awaitNoExn t
Signature: t:Task<'?19798> -> Async<Task<'?19798>>
Type parameters: '?19798
awaitNoExnIgnore t
Signature: t:Task<'?19800> -> Async<unit>
Type parameters: '?19800
awaitPlain t
Signature: t:Task -> Async<unit>
bind f m
Signature: f:('T -> Task<'U>) -> m:Task<'T> -> Task<'U>
Type parameters: 'T, 'U
bindWithOptions (...)
Signature: token:CancellationToken -> continuationOptions:TaskContinuationOptions -> scheduler:TaskScheduler -> f:('T -> Task<'U>) -> m:Task<'T> -> Task<'U>
Type parameters: 'T, 'U
combine m1 m2
Signature: m1:Task<'?19964> -> m2:Task<'?19965> -> Task<'?19964 * '?19965>
Type parameters: '?19964, '?19965
Signature: '?19954 -> Task<'?19954>
Type parameters: '?19954
continueWith f t
Signature: f:(Task<'?19807> -> '?19808) -> t:Task<'?19807> -> Task<'?19808>
Type parameters: '?19807, '?19808
flatAggregate agg
Signature: agg:AggregateException -> exn
flatten exn
Signature: exn:exn -> exn
guardAggregate f
Signature: f:(unit -> '?19789) -> '?19789
Type parameters: '?19789
ignore m
Signature: m:Task<'?19967> -> Task<unit>
Type parameters: '?19967
lift2 f a b
Signature: f:('?19862 -> '?19863 -> '?19864) -> a:Task<'?19862> -> b:Task<'?19863> -> Task<'?19864>
Type parameters: '?19862, '?19863, '?19864

Promote a function to a monad/applicative, scanning the monadic/applicative arguments from left to right.

map f m
Signature: f:('?19832 -> '?19833) -> m:Task<'?19832> -> Task<'?19833>
Type parameters: '?19832, '?19833

Transforms a Task's first value by using a specified mapping function.

mapWithOptions (...)
Signature: token:CancellationToken -> continuationOptions:TaskContinuationOptions -> scheduler:TaskScheduler -> f:('?19829 -> '?19830) -> m:Task<'?19829> -> Task<'?19830>
Type parameters: '?19829, '?19830

Transforms a Task's first value by using a specified mapping function.

ofAsync asy
Signature: asy:Async<'?19810> -> Task<'?19810>
Type parameters: '?19810
ofPlainTask t
Signature: t:Task -> Task<unit>
reraise e
Signature: e:Exception -> 'b
Type parameters: 'b
reraisePreserveStackTrace e
Signature: e:Exception -> '?19782
Type parameters: '?19782
result t
Signature: t:Task<'?19793> -> '?19793
Type parameters: '?19793
returnM a
Signature: a:'?19841 -> Task<'?19841>
Type parameters: '?19841
run t
Signature: t:(unit -> Task<'?19825>) -> Result<'?19825>
Type parameters: '?19825
runWork f
Signature: f:(unit -> 'a) -> Task<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
runWorkTask f
Signature: f:(unit -> Task<'a>) -> Task<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
start t
Signature: t:Task<'?19791> -> unit
Type parameters: '?19791
startTask o errors asy
Signature: o:'?19787 -> errors:Event<EventHandler<exn>,exn> -> asy:Async<unit> -> unit
Type parameters: '?19787
startTasks waitForTasks
Signature: waitForTasks:AsyncSeq<Task<'?19812>> -> AsyncSeq<Task<'?19812>>
Type parameters: '?19812

Starts the given tasks and returns them in the order they finish. The tasks will be started as soon as they are available and they will be returned as they finish. The task will start when you start to iterate over the results.

Signature: TaskBuilder
Signature: TaskBuilderWithToken
toAsync t
Signature: t:Task<'T> -> Async<'T>
Type parameters: 'T
Token token
Signature: token:CancellationToken -> Task<CancellationToken>
wait t
Signature: t:Task -> unit
whenAll tasks
Signature: tasks:seq<Task<'?19960>> -> Task<'?19960 []>
Type parameters: '?19960
whenAny tasks
Signature: tasks:seq<Task<'?19962>> -> Task<'?19962>
Type parameters: '?19962
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