

Defined in Yaaf.FSharp.Helper.dll.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
appendFront data s
Signature: data:Async<'?19675> -> s:IStream<'?19675> -> IStream<'?19675>
Type parameters: '?19675
buffer stream
Signature: stream:IStream<'?19648> -> IStream<'?19648> * IStream<'?19648>
Type parameters: '?19648
combineReadAndWrite (...)
Signature: readStream:IStream<'?19650> -> writeStream:IStream<'?19650> -> IStream<'?19650>
Type parameters: '?19650
crossStream s1 s2
Signature: s1:IStream<'?19652> -> s2:IStream<'?19652> -> IStream<'?19652> * IStream<'?19652>
Type parameters: '?19652
duplicate s
Signature: s:IStream<'?19665> -> IStream<'?19665> * IStream<'?19665>
Type parameters: '?19665

Duplicates the given stream, which means returning two stream instances which will read the same data. At the same time buffers all data (ie read from s as fast as possible). Any data written to the returned instances will be written to the given instance.

filterRead f s
Signature: f:('?19657 option -> bool) -> s:IStream<'?19657> -> IStream<'?19657>
Type parameters: '?19657
filterWrite f s
Signature: f:('?19659 -> bool) -> s:IStream<'?19659> -> IStream<'?19659>
Type parameters: '?19659
fromInterface istream
Signature: istream:IStream<byte array> -> Stream
fromInterfaceAdvanced finish istream
Signature: finish:(unit -> unit) -> istream:IStream<byte array> -> Stream
fromInterfaceSimple istream
Signature: istream:IStream<byte array> -> Stream
fromReadWrite read write
Signature: read:(unit -> Async<'?19636 option>) -> write:('?19636 -> Async<unit>) -> IStream<'?19636>
Type parameters: '?19636
fromReadWriteDispose dis read write
Signature: dis:(unit -> unit) -> read:(unit -> Async<'?19634 option>) -> write:('?19634 -> Async<unit>) -> IStream<'?19634>
Type parameters: '?19634
infiniteStream ()
Signature: unit -> IStream<'a>
Type parameters: 'a
limitedStream ()
Signature: unit -> (unit -> Async<unit>) * IStream<'?19646>
Type parameters: '?19646
map f g s
Signature: f:('?19654 option -> '?19655 option) -> g:('?19655 -> '?19654) -> s:IStream<'?19654> -> IStream<'?19655>
Type parameters: '?19654, '?19655
maybeAppendFront data s
Signature: data:Async<'?19673 option> -> s:IStream<'?19673> -> IStream<'?19673>
Type parameters: '?19673
ofSeq write s
Signature: write:('?19671 -> Async<unit>) -> s:AsyncSeq<'?19671> -> IStream<'?19671>
Type parameters: '?19671
readOnly s
Signature: s:IStream<'?19661> -> IStream<'?19661>
Type parameters: '?19661
split f s
Signature: f:('?19667 option -> bool) -> s:IStream<'?19667> -> IStream<'?19667> * IStream<'?19667>
Type parameters: '?19667
toInterface buffersize stream
Signature: buffersize:int -> stream:Stream -> IStream<byte []>
toInterfaceText buffersize stream
Signature: buffersize:int -> stream:TextReader -> IStream<char []>
toLimitedStream raw
Signature: raw:IStream<'?19644 option> -> (unit -> Async<unit>) * IStream<'?19644>
Type parameters: '?19644
toMaybeRead read
Signature: read:Async<'?19640> -> Async<'?19640 option>
Type parameters: '?19640
toSeq s
Signature: s:IStream<'?19669> -> AsyncSeq<'?19669>
Type parameters: '?19669
writeOnly s
Signature: s:IStream<'?19663> -> IStream<'?19663>
Type parameters: '?19663
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