

Defined in Yaaf.Xmpp.MessageArchiving.dll.

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: CollectionFilter -> Task<ChatCollectionHeader list>
Modifiers: abstract
Filters the Collections of the given user by the given filter and returns the collection headers
Signature: DateTime -> Task<ChangeItem list>
Modifiers: abstract
Returns all changes since the given date
Signature: ChatCollectionId -> Task<bool>
Modifiers: abstract
Removes the specified Collection, note that the concrete implementation has to save the info that this collection was removed because it should notify about the removal in GetChangesSince
Signature: ChatCollectionId -> Task<ChatCollection>
Modifiers: abstract
Retrieves the specified Collection
Signature: ChatCollection -> Task
Modifiers: abstract
Save the given Collection for the given user in the database, should take care to update if the item exists Messages: should be appended if there exists a collection Subject: should be changed when available but only deleted when no messages are given
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