

Defined in Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime.dll.

Type extensions

Type extensionDescription
GetConnectionsSafeStart(jid f)
Signature: jid:JabberId -> (f:(IXmppClient -> Async<'?7024>)) -> Async<Task<'?7024 option> []>
Type parameters: '?7024
This api is safe and only enqueues the work, it is safe when you don't depend on the results...
GetConnectionsSafeStart(jid f)
Signature: jid:JabberId -> (f:(IXmppClient -> Async<'?7026>)) -> Async<Task<'?7026 option> []>
Type parameters: '?7026
OnAllSimple(jid f)
Signature: jid:JabberId -> (f:(IXmppClient -> Async<unit>)) -> Async<unit>
OnAllSimpleWithoutSelf(context jid f)
Signature: context:IXmppClient -> jid:JabberId -> (f:(IXmppClient -> Async<unit>)) -> Async<unit>
OnAllSimpleWithSelf(context jid f)
Signature: context:IXmppClient -> jid:JabberId -> (f:(IXmppClient -> Async<unit>)) -> Async<unit>
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