

Defined in Yaaf.Xmpp.Runtime.dll.

Nested types and modules


Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
cleanFromStreamNamespace ns
Signature: ns:string -> XElement -> XElement
createAttributes info
Signature: info:IStanza -> XAttribute list
createGenericStanza (...)
Signature: ns:'?6779 -> contentParser:ContentGenerator<Stanza> -> stanza:Stanza -> Stanza<StanzaContents>
Type parameters: '?6779
createStanzaElement ns stanza
Signature: ns:string -> stanza:IStanza -> XElement
handleStanzaErrors rawStanza
Signature: rawStanza:Stanza -> Stanza
Text and langcode
isGenericStanza ns contentCheck elem
Signature: ns:string -> contentCheck:(Stanza -> bool) -> elem:StreamElement -> bool
isStanzaElement ns elem
Signature: ns:string -> elem:StreamElement -> bool
parseErrorStanzaData (...)
Signature: ns:string -> my:F -> errorChild:XElement -> faultXml:XElement list -> StanzaErrorData
parseGenericStanza ns contentParser elem
Signature: ns:string -> contentParser:(Stanza -> '?6777) -> elem:StreamElement -> Stanza<'?6777>
Type parameters: '?6777
parseInfo childs stanzaType elem
Signature: childs:XElement list -> stanzaType:XmlStanzaType -> elem:StreamElement -> Stanza
parses an streamelement to an RawStanza
parseStanzaElement ns elem
Signature: ns:string -> elem:StreamElement -> Stanza
parseStanzaElementNoError ns elem
Signature: ns:string -> elem:StreamElement -> Stanza
reAddStreamNamespace ns
Signature: ns:string -> XElement -> XElement
replaceNamespace oldNs newNs elem
Signature: oldNs:string -> newNs:string -> elem:XElement -> XElement
Signature: string
validateStanza rawStanza
Signature: rawStanza:Stanza -> Stanza
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