

Defined in RazorEngine.dll.
Wraps a dynamic object for serialization of dynamic objects and anonymous type support. But this type will also make (static) types work which are not serializable.


new(info, context)
Signature: (info:SerializationInfo * context:StreamingContext) -> unit
Initializes a new instance of the RazorDynamicObject class.

Instance members

Instance memberDescription
Signature: unit -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Disposes the current instance.
GetObjectData(info, context)
Signature: (info:SerializationInfo * context:StreamingContext) -> unit
Modifiers: abstract
Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
Signature: unit -> string
Modifiers: abstract
Override ToString and remotely invoke our wrapped instance.
TryConvert(binder, result)
Signature: (binder:ConvertBinder * result:byref<obj>) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
TryGetIndex(binder, indexes, result)
Signature: (binder:GetIndexBinder * indexes:obj [] * result:byref<obj>) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
TryGetMember(binder, result)
Signature: (binder:GetMemberBinder * result:byref<obj>) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
TryInvokeMember(binder, args, result)
Signature: (binder:InvokeMemberBinder * args:obj [] * result:byref<obj>) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
TrySetIndex(binder, indexes, value)
Signature: (binder:SetIndexBinder * indexes:obj [] * value:obj) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
TrySetMember(binder, value)
Signature: (binder:SetMemberBinder * value:obj) -> bool
Modifiers: abstract
Tries to set the member.

Static members

Static memberDescription
Signature: o:obj -> obj
Type parameters: 'T
A simple generic cast method. Used for the DynamicCast implementation.
Signature: (parameterInfo:ParameterInfo [] * paramTypes:Type []) -> bool
Create(wrapped, allowMissingMembers)
Signature: (wrapped:obj * allowMissingMembers:bool) -> obj
Create a wrapper around an dynamic object. This wrapper ensures that we can cross the AppDomain, call internal methods (to make Anonymous types work), or call missing methods (when allowMissingMembers is true).
DynamicCast(o, targetType)
Signature: (o:obj * targetType:Type) -> obj
A tricky dynamic cast (Cast in the runtime with dynamic types).
Signature: target:obj -> bool
Returnes true when the type of the given result is primitive. (ie should not be wrapped in another RazorDynamicObject instance)
Signature: interface:Type -> Type
Convert the given interface type instance in another interface type instance which is free of anonymous types.
Signature: type:Type -> Type
Try to find a type instance which has no references to anonymous types. Either we use the type or create a new one which implements the same interfaces.
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